- April 25, 2021
Feel Like a Million Dollars
This is the exact strategy I used to move a former bikini competitor from plateaued and frustrated to her ideal body maintained year round.
It is designed for women who want to stop jumping from strict diet to diet and get a framework they can customize to get results.
It’s the exact framework I used to help Julie go from dieting, bloated, and constantly hungry to energetic, enjoying her favorite foods, and feeling uplifted.
She now feels like a million dollars!
Before she was in the gym every day and eating the same boring chicken and broccoli meals. She had no idea how to stay lean without following a strict meal plan and working out daily.
Now she does less exercise and still stays lean all year – and can happily enjoy life after getting married and having a baby.
If you want to lose 5-30 pounds, stay lean all year, and achieve your goals, then THIS is the only nutrition strategy you need.
Keep reading below to learn how to go from yo-yo dieting to seeing results that last.
Read on to see Julie’s total transformation with flexible nutrition.
The Flexible Nutrition Strategy: Best Shape of your Life (Without Dieting)
Restricting food groups, cutting out all treats, and doing low carb or low fat are common strategies to lose weight. But they leave you constantly craving the foods you can’t have. You crave bread, wine, or ice cream — and feel guilty every time you eat it. You may be consistently counting calories but don’t see results you want. Plus you may be fighting hunger and always thinking about your next meal.
There is another way. You can enjoy and feel satisfied with all your meals – and as a result you’ll stay consistent day after day – even when life is unpredictable.
Ask most people how to lose weight and they’ll tell you this:
- Eat less – by cutting out carbs, fat, or fasting
- Stay on your diet and restrict everything until you’re at your goal weight
That’s an outdated system. These diet trends re-surface every 2-7 years but no one stays on these diets forever.
You could try diet after diet and never see results. Each time you deprive yourself, you set yourself up to not only revert back to old habits but lose muscle and gain more fat back. It’s a pendulum swing which goes from one extreme to another. And if you are successful on a diet and lose the fat, it’s likely you will regain the weight.
Even if you do lose the weight, you probably tried so many things and were guessing, so you have no idea how you got there. Without a clear framework to maintain your results, most people regain weight.
You’re missing part of the formula that puts you in the driver seat so you can eat your favorite foods, have social life, and overcome any obstacles to see results.
When I first met Julia she had set herself trapped in a box with little space to adjust. She had lost 50 lbs and competed in a bikini competition.
But her diet was chronically low in food and she had to starve herself and work out every day to stay lean. With a recent relationship break up, her stress levels were high. No matter how hard she dieted, her belly was bloated, and she couldn’t stop weight gain. Plus she was constantly fatigued.
She looked older than her real age because of the stress of dieting. Eating dangerously low calories made her skin look wrinkled, dry, and stressed. But when she increased her calories, her skin looked glowing and she looked years younger.
I showed her how to eat foods she enjoyed that worked with her body. She was so relieved when she learned she could actually enjoy a variety of foods and desserts again. Plus she could go out to eat with her new boyfriend.
Instead of spending every day in the gym, she exercised only 3-4 times per week and started activities that she enjoyed.
By spending less time in the gym, she fell in love with ice skating.
The result was that she stayed in fantastic shape with a routine she enjoyed. With her stress levels under control, bloating naturally reduced, she finally felt at ease in her body again.
Her progress gave her confidence she was on the right path to get results and keep them this time.
With increased confidence, she took on more speaking opportunities in her career. Soon she met the love of her life and got married, had a baby, and is happily maintaining her healthy routine with her family.
Flexible Nutrition Strategy To get to happy weight [and keep it after coaching ends]
When my clients begin coaching, they have already tried multiple diets. They would stay lean by eating as little as possible – always hungry and worried about food. Or they would jump from diet to diet – hoping one would be the holy grail and end the war with weight gain. After four to nine months doing flexible nutrition they no longer hide under clothes or restrict themselves to the same boring meals over and over but no treats allowed.
During the process they all learn an important lesson: restricting food groups and cutting out all desserts isn’t the right way to lose fat and keep it off.
Using flexible nutrition, they feel in control and confident.
The secret is you don’t need willpower to succeed
We focus on a precise framework so they can choose their favorite foods. No more endless thoughts about what they can and can’t eat.
The result is they feel satisfied after meals, have less cravings, and make progress.
We ditch the dogma that strict dieting through willpower is the only way to make progress. Instead we focus on 7 keys of nutrition with an adaptable framework that includes “non-diet” food.
The result?
More consistency and ease around food
We didn’t focus on restricting food groups to lose fat, and fat loss came naturally as a byproduct of what we did.
What did we do?
The 3-Steps To Using “Flexible Nutrition Strategy” To Get [result]
There are three steps to a flexible nutrition strategy successfully.
Step 1: Set up plan based on current condition
Step 2: Follow 7 Keys to Nutrition
Step 3: Adapt to any situation
Below is a breakdown of what happens after doing adaptable nutrition.
Benefits of flexible nutrition succeed because missing key where every other diet plan fails:
- You set yourself up to succeed by eating for satisfaction, pleasure, along with focusing on the right steps for achieving your goals.
- You know how to pivot quickly when life throws you a big rock in your path
- You avoid deprivation and restriction which leads to bingeing. Including your favorite foods eliminates dieting mentality so you reduce cravings naturally because you aren’t using willpower anymore.
You feel at ease knowing how to stay lean year round and can achieve any goal.
Here are some common questions I get when I show women how to get and stay lean:
How long do I need to wait to see results?
Some women begin feeling better within a few days and are happy they get to eat a variety of food.
Many women see results within the first month and transformation within 4-9 months.
It’s Your Turn To Succeed
Successful body transformation requires something other than dieting, which is set up to fail.
You can continue to sift through all the information, guess and hope you get the right plan for you or you can try flexible nutrition and know exactly what to do to get results.
To get started, sign up for coaching here:
Any questions or to apply go here: Contact us
P.S. Don’t wait until you’re “ready”, see progress this month by joining here: